Stigma of Mental Illness and Ways of Diminishing It

By Peter Byrne, Posted on The Royal College of Psychiatrists Full PDF Stigma is defined as a sign of disgrace or discredit, which sets a person apart from others. The stigma of mental illness, although more often related to context than to a person’s appearance, remains a powerful negative attribute in all social relations. Sociological interest in … More Stigma of Mental Illness and Ways of Diminishing It

27 Simple And Enjoyable Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health

By Rosie Leizrowice on ThoughtCatalog via Unsplash “Over the years, I have compiled a list of simple things to do which have a big impact on my mental health. Sometimes, it is not the grand gestures which work. You do not need to quit your job, go on a silent meditation retreat or move countries to feel … More 27 Simple And Enjoyable Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health

Effects of Domestic Abuse

By The Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre Individuals “who are victimized in a domestic abuse relationship can have multiple problems that are a direct result of such abuse. These problems can affect all aspects of functioning and can be short-lived or chronic. The following is a list of possible effects of domestic abuse…While this is … More Effects of Domestic Abuse