Share: “How I Think Donald Trump Will Impact The Mental Health of Americans”

To start off, I would first like to say that yes, I may be Canadian, but I have a big stake in American politics. My sister and her family live in Boston. Not only do I spend a lot of time in America, but I have a lot of friends and family who live there […] … More Share: “How I Think Donald Trump Will Impact The Mental Health of Americans”

Share: “Ian McEwan: Trump’s poetry was hatred. What about the prose?”

“If it’s true then Trump’s poetry was misogyny, race hatred, xenophobia, petty vengefulness and reckless ignorance. On the stump there was hardly a dark human impulse that he failed to display or exploit. And if that was the poetry, what hope from the lesser form, the prose? If, by chance, Trump meant what he said … More Share: “Ian McEwan: Trump’s poetry was hatred. What about the prose?”